Module ranky.ranking

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import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import rankdata
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution
from random import random as _random
from tqdm import tqdm
import itertools as it
import ranky as rk
from .metric import centrality

##### Functions #####

# Convert to ranking
def rank(m, axis=0, method='average', ascending=False, reverse=False):
    """ Replace values by their rank in the column.

    By default, higher is better.
    TODO: save parameters to add values to an already fitted ranking.

        m: Score matrix.
        axis: Candidates axis.
        method: 'average', 'min', 'max', 'dense', 'ordinal'
        ascending: Ascending or descending order.
        reverse: Reverse order.

        np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame
        Ranked preference matrix.
    if isinstance(m, list):
        m = np.array(m)
    if ascending == reverse: # greater is better (descending order)
        m = -m # take the opposite to inverse rank
    r = np.apply_along_axis(rankdata, axis, m, method=method) # convert values to ranking in all rows or columns
    return process_vote(m, r)

def weigher(r, method='hyperbolic'):
    """ The weigher function.

    Must map nonnegative integers (zero representing the most important element) to a nonnegative weight.
    The default method, 'hyperbolic', provides hyperbolic weighing, that is, rank r is mapped to weight 1/(r+1)

        r: Integer value (supposedly a rank) to weight
        method: Weighing method. 'hyperbolic'
    if method == 'hyperbolic':
        return 1 / (r + 1)
        raise Exception('Unknown method: {}'.format(method))

def tie(r, threshold=0.1):
    """ TODO: merge close values.
    return 0

def contains_ties(r):
    """ Return True if r contains tied values.

        r: 1D array-like of scores or ranks.
    n = len(r)
    if n==0:
        return False
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(1, n):
            if i != j:
                if r[i] == r[j]:
                    return True
    return False

# remove rows (candidates) or columns (voters)
def bootstrap(m, axis=0, n=None, replace=True, return_holdout=False):
    """ Sample with replacement among an axis (and keep the same shape by default).

    By convention rows reprensent candidates and columns represent voters.

        axis: Axis concerned by bootstrap.
        n: Number of examples to sample. By default it is the size of the matrix among the axis.
        replace: Sample with or without replacement. It is not bootstrap if the sampling is done without replacement.
        return_holdout: If True, returns a tuple (bootstrap, out-of-bag set).
    if n is None:
        n = m.shape[axis]
    idx = np.random.choice(m.shape[axis], n, replace=replace)
    bootstrap = np.take(m, idx, axis=axis)
    if return_holdout:
        ran = np.arange(m.shape[axis])
        holdout_idx = ran[np.array([x not in idx for x in ran])]
        holdout = np.take(m, holdout_idx, axis=axis)
        return bootstrap, holdout
        return bootstrap

def joint_bootstrap(m_list, axis=0, n=None, replace=True):
    """ Apply the same bootstrap on all matrices on m_list.

    Sample with replacement among an axis (and keep the same shape by default).
    By convention rows reprensent candidates and columns represent voters.

        axis: Axis concerned by bootstrap.
        n: Number of examples to sample. By default it is the size of the matrix among the axis.
        replace: Sample with or without replacement. It is not bootstrap if the sampling is done without replacement.
    size = m_list[0].shape[axis]
    if n is None:
        n = size
    idx = np.random.choice(size, n, replace=replace)
    return [np.take(m, idx, axis=axis) for m in m_list]

def top_k_method(D, F, k=1, reverse=False):
    """ Apply top-k method to select a winner from two rankings D and F (development and final).

    Return the index of the winner. The winner is the top of F from the k best candidates of D.

        D: 1D array-like of scores, representing the development phase (or public leaderboard).
        F: 1D array-like of scores, representing the final phase (or private leaderboard).
        k: number of candidates that access the final phase.
        reverse: if True lower is better (by default higher is better).
    D, F = to_series(D), to_series(F)
    top_k = select_k_best(D, k=k, reverse=reverse)
    return rk.select_best(F[top_k], reverse=reverse)

def select_k_best(m, k=1, reverse=False):
    """ Select k best candidates from the 1D array m.

        m: 1D array-like of scores.
        k: number of best candidates to be returned.
        reverse: if True lower is better (by default higher is better).
    m = to_series(m)
    if k == 0 or k > len(m):
        raise Exception('Bad value for K')
    return m.sort_values(ascending=reverse).index[:k]

def select_best(m, reverse=False):
    """ Return the best candidate from the 1D array m.

        m: 1D array-like of scores.
        reverse: if True lower is better (by default higher is better).
    return select_k_best(m, k=1, reverse=reverse)[0]

# upsampling
# downsampling

def is_series(m):
    return isinstance(m, pd.Series)

def is_dataframe(m):
    return isinstance(m, pd.DataFrame)

def to_series(m):
    if not isinstance(m, list):
        if len(m.shape) == 2 and m.shape[1] == 1: # "column array"
            m = m.reshape((m.shape[0]))
    if not is_series(m): # cast to pd.Series if needed
        m = pd.Series(m)
    return m

def process_vote(m, r, axis=1):
    """ Keep names if using pd.DataFrame.

            m: original matrix of scores (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series)
            r: the ranking (array-like)
    if is_dataframe(m):
        if len(r.shape) == 1: # Series
            if axis==0: # Voting axis
                r = pd.Series(r, m.columns) # Participants names
            elif axis==1:
                r = pd.Series(r, m.index)
        elif len(r.shape) == 2: # DataFrame
            r = pd.DataFrame(r, index=m.index, columns=m.columns)
    elif is_series(m): # From Series to Series
        r = pd.Series(r, m.index)
    return r

####### RANKING SYSTEMS #########

##### 1. CLASSICAL METHODS #######

def dictator(m, axis=1):
#def random(m, axis=1): # renamed because of random module
    """ Random dictator.

            m: 2D matrix of scores.
            axis: axis of judges.
    voter = np.random.randint(m.shape[axis]) # select a column number
    r = np.take(np.array(m), voter, axis=axis) #m[:, voter]
    return process_vote(m, r, axis=axis)

def borda(m, axis=1, method='mean', reverse=False):
    """ Borda count.

        m: 2D matrix of scores.
        axis: axis of judges.
        method: 'mean' or 'median'.
        reverse: reverse the ranking.
    ranking = rank(m, axis=1-axis)
    if reverse:
        ranking = rank(-m, axis=1-axis)
    if method == 'mean':
        r = ranking.mean(axis=axis)
    elif method == 'median':
        r = ranking.median(axis=axis)
        raise(Exception('Unknown method for borda system: {}'.format(method)))
    return process_vote(m, r, axis=axis)

def majority(m, axis=1):
    """ Majority judgement.

            m: 2D matrix of scores.
            axis: axis of judges.
    r = np.median(m, axis=axis)
    return process_vote(m, r, axis=axis)

def score(m, axis=1):
    """ Score/range ranking.

            m: 2D matrix of scores.
            axis: axis of judges.
    r = np.mean(m, axis=axis)
    return process_vote(m, r, axis=axis)

def uninominal(m, axis=1, turns=1):
    """ Uninominal.

        m: 2D matrix of scores.
        axis: axis of judges.
        turns: number of turns.
    if turns > 1:
        raise(Exception('Uninominal system is currently implemented only in one turn setting.'))
    ranking = rank(m, axis=1-axis) # convert to rank
    #for turn in range(turns): # TODO replace 1 by turn in next line
    r = (ranking == 1).sum(axis=axis)  # count number of uninominal vote (first in judgement)
    return process_vote(m, r, axis=axis)

def pairwise(m, axis=1, wins=None, return_graph=False, score=False, **kwargs):
    """ Pairwise method.

    We compute the matrix of scores of all possible pairs of matches between all candidates.
    The score of one match is defined by the `wins` function.

        m: 2D matrix of scores (preference matrix).
        axis: Judge axis. /!\
        wins: Function returning True if a wins against b. `rk.copeland_wins` used by default.
        return_graph: If True, returns the 1-1 matches result matrix.
        score: If True, produce scores between 0 and 1 by dividing the results by (n - 1)
               with n the number of candidates.
    if wins is None:
        wins = rk.copeland_wins
    _m = m
    m = np.array(m)
    n = m.shape[1-axis]
    graph = np.zeros((n, n))
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            if i != j:
                c1, c2 = np.take(m, i, 1-axis), np.take(m, j, 1-axis)
                graph[i][j] = wins(c1, c2, **kwargs)
                graph[i][j] = 0 # no comparison with itself
    r = np.sum(graph, axis=1) # collect candidates average score against all opponents
    r = process_vote(_m, r, axis=axis)
    if score:
        r = r / (n - 1)
    if return_graph:
        return r, graph
    return r

def copeland(m, axis=1, **kwargs):
    """ Copeland's method.

    This function is an alias of calling `rk.pairwise` function with `rk.copeland_wins` as the wins function.

        m: 2D matrix of scores.
        axis: axis of judges.
        **kwargs: Arguments to be passed to `rk.pairwise` function.
    return pairwise(m, axis=axis, wins=rk.copeland_wins, **kwargs)

def kemeny_young(m, axis=1, **kwargs):
    """ Kemeny-Young method.

    This function is an alias of calling `` function with Kendall tau as the metric.
    Indeed, Kemeny-Young method consists in computing the ranking that is the closest to all judges,
    according to Kendall's distance.

        m: 2D matrix of scores.
        axis: axis of judges.
        **kwargs: arguments to be passed to `` function.
    return center(m, axis=axis, method='kendalltau', **kwargs)


# Based on optimization.

def brute_force(m, axis=0, method='swap'):
    """ Brute force search.

        - keep all optimal solutions.
        - ties
        - docs
    best_score = -1
    best_r = np.take(m, 0, axis=axis)
    for r in tqdm(list(it.permutations(range(m.shape[axis])))): # all possible rankings
        score = centrality(m, r, axis=axis, method=method)
        if score > best_score:
            best_score = score
            best_r = r
    return best_r

def random_swap(r, n=1, tie=0.1):
    """ Swap randomly two values in r.

    Used by evolution_strategy function.

        n: number of consecutive changes
        tie: probability of tie instead of swap
    _r = r.copy()
    for _ in range(n):
        i1, i2 = np.random.randint(len(r)), np.random.randint(len(r))
        if tie!=0 and np.random.randint(1/tie) == 0: # generate tie with some probability
            _r[i1] = _r[i2]
        else: # swap two values
            _r[i1], _r[i2] = _r[i2], _r[i1]
    return _r

def evolution_strategy(m, axis=0, mu=10, l=2, epochs=50, n=1, tie=0.1, method='swap', history=False, verbose=False):
    """ Use evolution strategy to search the best centrality ranking.

    Return the best ranking (and the best score of each generation if needed).

        axis: candidates axis.
        mu: population size.
        l: mu * l = offspring size.
        epochs: number of iterations.
        n: number of swaps performed during a single mutation.
        tie: probability of performing a tie instead of a swap during mutation process.
        method: method used to compute centrality of the ranking.
        history: if True, return a tuple (ranking, history).
        verbose: if True, plot the learning curve.
    r = np.arange(m.shape[axis])
    h = []
    population = [sorted(r, key=lambda k: _random()) for _ in range(mu)] # mu random ranked ballots
    best_ranking = population[0] # initialize best_ranking
    for epoch in tqdm(range(epochs)):
        offspring = [random_swap(x, n=n, tie=tie) for x in population*l] # random swaps to generate new ranked ballots
        offspring.append(best_ranking) # add the previous best to the offspring to avoid losing it if no children beat it
        scores = [centrality(m, child, axis=axis, method=method) for child in offspring] # compute fit function
        idx_best = np.argsort(scores)[len(scores)-mu:]
        population = list(np.array(offspring)[idx_best]) # select the mu best ballots
        argmax = idx_best[-1]
        best_ranking = offspring[argmax]
        h.append(scores[argmax]) # collect best score
    r = process_vote(m, best_ranking, axis=1-axis)
    if verbose:
        print('Best centrality score: {}'.format(h[-1]))
    if history:
        return r, h # return the best ranking and its score
    return r

def center(m, axis=1, method='euclidean', verbose=True, **kwargs):
    """ Find the geometric median or 1-center.

    Solve the metric facility location problem.
    Find the ranking maximizing the centrality.
    Also called optimal rank aggregation.

        axis: judges axis.
        method: distance or correlation method used as metric.
        verbose: show optimization termination message.
        **kwargs: arguments for `scipy.differential_evolution` function.
    # Finds the global minimum of a multivariate function.
    # Differential Evolution is stochastic in nature (does not use gradient methods) to find the minimium, and can search large areas of candidate space,
    # but often requires larger numbers of function evaluations than conventional gradient based techniques.
    # The algorithm is due to Storn and Price [R150].
    m_np = np.array(m)
    bounds = [(m_np.min(), m_np.max()) for _ in range(m_np.shape[1-axis])]
    res = differential_evolution(rk.mean_distance, bounds, (m_np, 1-axis, method), disp=False, **kwargs) # from scipy.optimize
    if verbose:
    r = res.x
    return process_vote(m, r, axis=axis)

##### CONSENSUS ##########

def consensus(m, axis=0):
    """ Strict consensus between ranked ballots.
    m_arr = np.array(m)
    if axis==0:
        m_arr = m_arr.T
    r = np.all(m_arr == np.take(m_arr, 0, axis=0), axis=0)
    return process_vote(m, r, axis=1-axis)

# McNemar test
# statistic = (Yes/No - No/Yes)^2 / (Yes/No + No/Yes)

# Friedman test


def bootstrap(m, axis=0, n=None, replace=True, return_holdout=False)

Sample with replacement among an axis (and keep the same shape by default).

By convention rows reprensent candidates and columns represent voters.


Axis concerned by bootstrap.
Number of examples to sample. By default it is the size of the matrix among the axis.
Sample with or without replacement. It is not bootstrap if the sampling is done without replacement.
If True, returns a tuple (bootstrap, out-of-bag set).
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def bootstrap(m, axis=0, n=None, replace=True, return_holdout=False):
    """ Sample with replacement among an axis (and keep the same shape by default).

    By convention rows reprensent candidates and columns represent voters.

        axis: Axis concerned by bootstrap.
        n: Number of examples to sample. By default it is the size of the matrix among the axis.
        replace: Sample with or without replacement. It is not bootstrap if the sampling is done without replacement.
        return_holdout: If True, returns a tuple (bootstrap, out-of-bag set).
    if n is None:
        n = m.shape[axis]
    idx = np.random.choice(m.shape[axis], n, replace=replace)
    bootstrap = np.take(m, idx, axis=axis)
    if return_holdout:
        ran = np.arange(m.shape[axis])
        holdout_idx = ran[np.array([x not in idx for x in ran])]
        holdout = np.take(m, holdout_idx, axis=axis)
        return bootstrap, holdout
        return bootstrap
def borda(m, axis=1, method='mean', reverse=False)

Borda count.


2D matrix of scores.
axis of judges.
'mean' or 'median'.
reverse the ranking.
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def borda(m, axis=1, method='mean', reverse=False):
    """ Borda count.

        m: 2D matrix of scores.
        axis: axis of judges.
        method: 'mean' or 'median'.
        reverse: reverse the ranking.
    ranking = rank(m, axis=1-axis)
    if reverse:
        ranking = rank(-m, axis=1-axis)
    if method == 'mean':
        r = ranking.mean(axis=axis)
    elif method == 'median':
        r = ranking.median(axis=axis)
        raise(Exception('Unknown method for borda system: {}'.format(method)))
    return process_vote(m, r, axis=axis)
def brute_force(m, axis=0, method='swap')

Brute force search.


  • keep all optimal solutions.
  • ties
  • docs
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def brute_force(m, axis=0, method='swap'):
    """ Brute force search.

        - keep all optimal solutions.
        - ties
        - docs
    best_score = -1
    best_r = np.take(m, 0, axis=axis)
    for r in tqdm(list(it.permutations(range(m.shape[axis])))): # all possible rankings
        score = centrality(m, r, axis=axis, method=method)
        if score > best_score:
            best_score = score
            best_r = r
    return best_r
def center(m, axis=1, method='euclidean', verbose=True, **kwargs)

Find the geometric median or 1-center.

Solve the metric facility location problem. Find the ranking maximizing the centrality. Also called optimal rank aggregation.


judges axis.
distance or correlation method used as metric.
show optimization termination message.
arguments for scipy.differential_evolution function.
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def center(m, axis=1, method='euclidean', verbose=True, **kwargs):
    """ Find the geometric median or 1-center.

    Solve the metric facility location problem.
    Find the ranking maximizing the centrality.
    Also called optimal rank aggregation.

        axis: judges axis.
        method: distance or correlation method used as metric.
        verbose: show optimization termination message.
        **kwargs: arguments for `scipy.differential_evolution` function.
    # Finds the global minimum of a multivariate function.
    # Differential Evolution is stochastic in nature (does not use gradient methods) to find the minimium, and can search large areas of candidate space,
    # but often requires larger numbers of function evaluations than conventional gradient based techniques.
    # The algorithm is due to Storn and Price [R150].
    m_np = np.array(m)
    bounds = [(m_np.min(), m_np.max()) for _ in range(m_np.shape[1-axis])]
    res = differential_evolution(rk.mean_distance, bounds, (m_np, 1-axis, method), disp=False, **kwargs) # from scipy.optimize
    if verbose:
    r = res.x
    return process_vote(m, r, axis=axis)
def consensus(m, axis=0)

Strict consensus between ranked ballots.

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def consensus(m, axis=0):
    """ Strict consensus between ranked ballots.
    m_arr = np.array(m)
    if axis==0:
        m_arr = m_arr.T
    r = np.all(m_arr == np.take(m_arr, 0, axis=0), axis=0)
    return process_vote(m, r, axis=1-axis)
def contains_ties(r)

Return True if r contains tied values.


1D array-like of scores or ranks.
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def contains_ties(r):
    """ Return True if r contains tied values.

        r: 1D array-like of scores or ranks.
    n = len(r)
    if n==0:
        return False
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(1, n):
            if i != j:
                if r[i] == r[j]:
                    return True
    return False
def copeland(m, axis=1, **kwargs)

Copeland's method.

This function is an alias of calling rk.pairwise function with rk.copeland_wins as the wins function.


2D matrix of scores.
axis of judges.
Arguments to be passed to rk.pairwise function.
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def copeland(m, axis=1, **kwargs):
    """ Copeland's method.

    This function is an alias of calling `rk.pairwise` function with `rk.copeland_wins` as the wins function.

        m: 2D matrix of scores.
        axis: axis of judges.
        **kwargs: Arguments to be passed to `rk.pairwise` function.
    return pairwise(m, axis=axis, wins=rk.copeland_wins, **kwargs)
def dictator(m, axis=1)

Random dictator.


2D matrix of scores.
axis of judges.
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def dictator(m, axis=1):
#def random(m, axis=1): # renamed because of random module
    """ Random dictator.

            m: 2D matrix of scores.
            axis: axis of judges.
    voter = np.random.randint(m.shape[axis]) # select a column number
    r = np.take(np.array(m), voter, axis=axis) #m[:, voter]
    return process_vote(m, r, axis=axis)
def evolution_strategy(m, axis=0, mu=10, l=2, epochs=50, n=1, tie=0.1, method='swap', history=False, verbose=False)

Use evolution strategy to search the best centrality ranking.

Return the best ranking (and the best score of each generation if needed).


candidates axis.
population size.
mu * l = offspring size.
number of iterations.
number of swaps performed during a single mutation.
probability of performing a tie instead of a swap during mutation process.
method used to compute centrality of the ranking.
if True, return a tuple (ranking, history).
if True, plot the learning curve.
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def evolution_strategy(m, axis=0, mu=10, l=2, epochs=50, n=1, tie=0.1, method='swap', history=False, verbose=False):
    """ Use evolution strategy to search the best centrality ranking.

    Return the best ranking (and the best score of each generation if needed).

        axis: candidates axis.
        mu: population size.
        l: mu * l = offspring size.
        epochs: number of iterations.
        n: number of swaps performed during a single mutation.
        tie: probability of performing a tie instead of a swap during mutation process.
        method: method used to compute centrality of the ranking.
        history: if True, return a tuple (ranking, history).
        verbose: if True, plot the learning curve.
    r = np.arange(m.shape[axis])
    h = []
    population = [sorted(r, key=lambda k: _random()) for _ in range(mu)] # mu random ranked ballots
    best_ranking = population[0] # initialize best_ranking
    for epoch in tqdm(range(epochs)):
        offspring = [random_swap(x, n=n, tie=tie) for x in population*l] # random swaps to generate new ranked ballots
        offspring.append(best_ranking) # add the previous best to the offspring to avoid losing it if no children beat it
        scores = [centrality(m, child, axis=axis, method=method) for child in offspring] # compute fit function
        idx_best = np.argsort(scores)[len(scores)-mu:]
        population = list(np.array(offspring)[idx_best]) # select the mu best ballots
        argmax = idx_best[-1]
        best_ranking = offspring[argmax]
        h.append(scores[argmax]) # collect best score
    r = process_vote(m, best_ranking, axis=1-axis)
    if verbose:
        print('Best centrality score: {}'.format(h[-1]))
    if history:
        return r, h # return the best ranking and its score
    return r
def is_dataframe(m)
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def is_dataframe(m):
    return isinstance(m, pd.DataFrame)
def is_series(m)
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def is_series(m):
    return isinstance(m, pd.Series)
def joint_bootstrap(m_list, axis=0, n=None, replace=True)

Apply the same bootstrap on all matrices on m_list.

Sample with replacement among an axis (and keep the same shape by default). By convention rows reprensent candidates and columns represent voters.


Axis concerned by bootstrap.
Number of examples to sample. By default it is the size of the matrix among the axis.
Sample with or without replacement. It is not bootstrap if the sampling is done without replacement.
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def joint_bootstrap(m_list, axis=0, n=None, replace=True):
    """ Apply the same bootstrap on all matrices on m_list.

    Sample with replacement among an axis (and keep the same shape by default).
    By convention rows reprensent candidates and columns represent voters.

        axis: Axis concerned by bootstrap.
        n: Number of examples to sample. By default it is the size of the matrix among the axis.
        replace: Sample with or without replacement. It is not bootstrap if the sampling is done without replacement.
    size = m_list[0].shape[axis]
    if n is None:
        n = size
    idx = np.random.choice(size, n, replace=replace)
    return [np.take(m, idx, axis=axis) for m in m_list]
def kemeny_young(m, axis=1, **kwargs)

Kemeny-Young method.

This function is an alias of calling function with Kendall tau as the metric. Indeed, Kemeny-Young method consists in computing the ranking that is the closest to all judges, according to Kendall's distance.


2D matrix of scores.
axis of judges.
arguments to be passed to function.
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def kemeny_young(m, axis=1, **kwargs):
    """ Kemeny-Young method.

    This function is an alias of calling `` function with Kendall tau as the metric.
    Indeed, Kemeny-Young method consists in computing the ranking that is the closest to all judges,
    according to Kendall's distance.

        m: 2D matrix of scores.
        axis: axis of judges.
        **kwargs: arguments to be passed to `` function.
    return center(m, axis=axis, method='kendalltau', **kwargs)
def majority(m, axis=1)

Majority judgement.


2D matrix of scores.
axis of judges.
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def majority(m, axis=1):
    """ Majority judgement.

            m: 2D matrix of scores.
            axis: axis of judges.
    r = np.median(m, axis=axis)
    return process_vote(m, r, axis=axis)
def pairwise(m, axis=1, wins=None, return_graph=False, score=False, **kwargs)

Pairwise method.

We compute the matrix of scores of all possible pairs of matches between all candidates. The score of one match is defined by the wins function.


2D matrix of scores (preference matrix).
Judge axis. /! wins: Function returning True if a wins against b. rk.copeland_wins used by default.
If True, returns the 1-1 matches result matrix.
If True, produce scores between 0 and 1 by dividing the results by (n - 1) with n the number of candidates.
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def pairwise(m, axis=1, wins=None, return_graph=False, score=False, **kwargs):
    """ Pairwise method.

    We compute the matrix of scores of all possible pairs of matches between all candidates.
    The score of one match is defined by the `wins` function.

        m: 2D matrix of scores (preference matrix).
        axis: Judge axis. /!\
        wins: Function returning True if a wins against b. `rk.copeland_wins` used by default.
        return_graph: If True, returns the 1-1 matches result matrix.
        score: If True, produce scores between 0 and 1 by dividing the results by (n - 1)
               with n the number of candidates.
    if wins is None:
        wins = rk.copeland_wins
    _m = m
    m = np.array(m)
    n = m.shape[1-axis]
    graph = np.zeros((n, n))
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            if i != j:
                c1, c2 = np.take(m, i, 1-axis), np.take(m, j, 1-axis)
                graph[i][j] = wins(c1, c2, **kwargs)
                graph[i][j] = 0 # no comparison with itself
    r = np.sum(graph, axis=1) # collect candidates average score against all opponents
    r = process_vote(_m, r, axis=axis)
    if score:
        r = r / (n - 1)
    if return_graph:
        return r, graph
    return r
def process_vote(m, r, axis=1)

Keep names if using pd.DataFrame.


original matrix of scores (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series)
the ranking (array-like)
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def process_vote(m, r, axis=1):
    """ Keep names if using pd.DataFrame.

            m: original matrix of scores (pd.DataFrame or pd.Series)
            r: the ranking (array-like)
    if is_dataframe(m):
        if len(r.shape) == 1: # Series
            if axis==0: # Voting axis
                r = pd.Series(r, m.columns) # Participants names
            elif axis==1:
                r = pd.Series(r, m.index)
        elif len(r.shape) == 2: # DataFrame
            r = pd.DataFrame(r, index=m.index, columns=m.columns)
    elif is_series(m): # From Series to Series
        r = pd.Series(r, m.index)
    return r
def random_swap(r, n=1, tie=0.1)

Swap randomly two values in r.

Used by evolution_strategy function.


number of consecutive changes
probability of tie instead of swap
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def random_swap(r, n=1, tie=0.1):
    """ Swap randomly two values in r.

    Used by evolution_strategy function.

        n: number of consecutive changes
        tie: probability of tie instead of swap
    _r = r.copy()
    for _ in range(n):
        i1, i2 = np.random.randint(len(r)), np.random.randint(len(r))
        if tie!=0 and np.random.randint(1/tie) == 0: # generate tie with some probability
            _r[i1] = _r[i2]
        else: # swap two values
            _r[i1], _r[i2] = _r[i2], _r[i1]
    return _r
def rank(m, axis=0, method='average', ascending=False, reverse=False)

Replace values by their rank in the column.

By default, higher is better. TODO: save parameters to add values to an already fitted ranking.


Score matrix.
Candidates axis.
'average', 'min', 'max', 'dense', 'ordinal'
Ascending or descending order.
Reverse order.


np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame Ranked preference matrix.

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def rank(m, axis=0, method='average', ascending=False, reverse=False):
    """ Replace values by their rank in the column.

    By default, higher is better.
    TODO: save parameters to add values to an already fitted ranking.

        m: Score matrix.
        axis: Candidates axis.
        method: 'average', 'min', 'max', 'dense', 'ordinal'
        ascending: Ascending or descending order.
        reverse: Reverse order.

        np.ndarray, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame
        Ranked preference matrix.
    if isinstance(m, list):
        m = np.array(m)
    if ascending == reverse: # greater is better (descending order)
        m = -m # take the opposite to inverse rank
    r = np.apply_along_axis(rankdata, axis, m, method=method) # convert values to ranking in all rows or columns
    return process_vote(m, r)
def score(m, axis=1)

Score/range ranking.


2D matrix of scores.
axis of judges.
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def score(m, axis=1):
    """ Score/range ranking.

            m: 2D matrix of scores.
            axis: axis of judges.
    r = np.mean(m, axis=axis)
    return process_vote(m, r, axis=axis)
def select_best(m, reverse=False)

Return the best candidate from the 1D array m.


1D array-like of scores.
if True lower is better (by default higher is better).
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def select_best(m, reverse=False):
    """ Return the best candidate from the 1D array m.

        m: 1D array-like of scores.
        reverse: if True lower is better (by default higher is better).
    return select_k_best(m, k=1, reverse=reverse)[0]
def select_k_best(m, k=1, reverse=False)

Select k best candidates from the 1D array m.


1D array-like of scores.
number of best candidates to be returned.
if True lower is better (by default higher is better).
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def select_k_best(m, k=1, reverse=False):
    """ Select k best candidates from the 1D array m.

        m: 1D array-like of scores.
        k: number of best candidates to be returned.
        reverse: if True lower is better (by default higher is better).
    m = to_series(m)
    if k == 0 or k > len(m):
        raise Exception('Bad value for K')
    return m.sort_values(ascending=reverse).index[:k]
def tie(r, threshold=0.1)

TODO: merge close values.

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def tie(r, threshold=0.1):
    """ TODO: merge close values.
    return 0
def to_series(m)
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def to_series(m):
    if not isinstance(m, list):
        if len(m.shape) == 2 and m.shape[1] == 1: # "column array"
            m = m.reshape((m.shape[0]))
    if not is_series(m): # cast to pd.Series if needed
        m = pd.Series(m)
    return m
def top_k_method(D, F, k=1, reverse=False)

Apply top-k method to select a winner from two rankings D and F (development and final).

Return the index of the winner. The winner is the top of F from the k best candidates of D.


1D array-like of scores, representing the development phase (or public leaderboard).
1D array-like of scores, representing the final phase (or private leaderboard).
number of candidates that access the final phase.
if True lower is better (by default higher is better).
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def top_k_method(D, F, k=1, reverse=False):
    """ Apply top-k method to select a winner from two rankings D and F (development and final).

    Return the index of the winner. The winner is the top of F from the k best candidates of D.

        D: 1D array-like of scores, representing the development phase (or public leaderboard).
        F: 1D array-like of scores, representing the final phase (or private leaderboard).
        k: number of candidates that access the final phase.
        reverse: if True lower is better (by default higher is better).
    D, F = to_series(D), to_series(F)
    top_k = select_k_best(D, k=k, reverse=reverse)
    return rk.select_best(F[top_k], reverse=reverse)
def uninominal(m, axis=1, turns=1)



2D matrix of scores.
axis of judges.
number of turns.
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def uninominal(m, axis=1, turns=1):
    """ Uninominal.

        m: 2D matrix of scores.
        axis: axis of judges.
        turns: number of turns.
    if turns > 1:
        raise(Exception('Uninominal system is currently implemented only in one turn setting.'))
    ranking = rank(m, axis=1-axis) # convert to rank
    #for turn in range(turns): # TODO replace 1 by turn in next line
    r = (ranking == 1).sum(axis=axis)  # count number of uninominal vote (first in judgement)
    return process_vote(m, r, axis=axis)
def weigher(r, method='hyperbolic')

The weigher function.

Must map nonnegative integers (zero representing the most important element) to a nonnegative weight. The default method, 'hyperbolic', provides hyperbolic weighing, that is, rank r is mapped to weight 1/(r+1)


Integer value (supposedly a rank) to weight
Weighing method. 'hyperbolic'
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def weigher(r, method='hyperbolic'):
    """ The weigher function.

    Must map nonnegative integers (zero representing the most important element) to a nonnegative weight.
    The default method, 'hyperbolic', provides hyperbolic weighing, that is, rank r is mapped to weight 1/(r+1)

        r: Integer value (supposedly a rank) to weight
        method: Weighing method. 'hyperbolic'
    if method == 'hyperbolic':
        return 1 / (r + 1)
        raise Exception('Unknown method: {}'.format(method))